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Wanting quick adventures

I love being in nature. It is my mediation, my home, my spiritual space. It is the place I go to get away from it all and reconnect with myself and the natural world. Being a mom, caregiver of an elderly parent and employed full-time I don't have the luxury of going on months long excursions on the PCT or even a week long retreat somewhere.  I have anywhere from 2-4 days at the most to go adventuring! So, I pack it in. My best friend and I spend months planning adventures that we have absolutely no idea when we will be able to do them. We have the equipment and roughly figure out the time of year that is best but beyond that and the weather it is about the stars aligning for us to find these precious days to get away. My goal in writing this is to impart some tips and get some in return from those of you out there like us so that we can continue to do amazing things in nature in the short bursts time that we have. Because if we wait for the ideal time to do things that time will never come.  The how pilates can help accelerate the healing process regarding back pain, chronic injuries, sports injuries, post surgical rehabilitation with joint replacement and overall improvement in wellbeing and mood.

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making plans” - John Lennon

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